Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Coming Out Day. A message for the Parents.

International Coming Out Day

First off, yes I know it has been forever since I've posted. Lets be honest though, September sucked. A lot. 

Moving right along now! 

I have many thoughts on this day, but the biggest thought I have is the next generation. The children being raised right now and the children being born right now. How are they being raised?

Of course some are still being raised to think my wife and I are disgusting and going to hell. Some are raised to "be kind" to our faces, but pray for our "sins" behind our backs. 

And some are being raised to simply love. To not see gender, but to see human. To not see hate, but to see love. 

To all those parents out there that are doing this- YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORLD. You are a true HERO. 

Imagine a world where there is no such thing as coming out. Where one day you find yourself liking someone, and you don't have to hide it, you don't have to explain why you feel that way. You just do. And that is ok. More than ok.

Imagine a world where there are far more less suicides because the human race decided to lift one another up rather than make them feel like there is something wrong with them. Imagine that.

So on this day, I challenge you as parents, to consider how you will raise your child. It is your choice now. I can assure you if you raise them with the instinct to love rather than judge or hate- you will have a world leader on your hands. Because nothing says leader more than someone who knows how to love and be kind. 

Happy Coming out day! May we encounter the day that our children ask us what that means. 


Natalie of Lesbopolitan